Monday, 27 June 2011

Commercial Critique: Premature Perspiration

Axe’s Full Control, Premature Perspiration commercial was successful at making me laugh out loud. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. The commercial parallels a guy prematurely ejaculating and no matter what age you are, that’s funny! And girls respond the same to both situations—gross! The commercial shows five different situations with different guys having the same problem with premature perspiration. The first scene is at a bar and sad music sets the tone. A girl and a guy are conversing and as she grabs his hand a voice over begins to describe the problem of premature perspiration. The camera zooms into the guy’s underarms displaying his sweaty armpits. The girl quickly turns and walks away and the screen switches to the printed words, premature perspiration. The screen then shows each of the next five guys dealing with the same problem. After each situation is shown there is a close up of the Axe deodorant spray and then pans out to a boy standing in the mirror putting on the Axe. The next scene appears and that same boy is walking down the hall with his arm around his girl, safe with no perspiration. During this time the background music hits its high note and brings a sense of accomplishment to the commercial. The end frame is the product’s logo “New Axe, full control”. The parody in this commercial was very humorous and everyone loves a laugh. The set up of the plot also assisted in making this an effective campaign. Stating a problem and the damage that problem can cause and seeing that problem be fixed with a product. I couldn’t make any suggestions to better this commercial; I thought it was very well executed! 

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